In "ASP.NET Unleashed," Stephen Walther, a renowned authority in web development, presents a comprehensive exploration of ASP.NET, one of the most powerful frameworks for building dynamic web applications. Through his...
"Classic Computer Science Problems in Python" by David Kopec provides a comprehensive overview of fundamental computer science concepts and their implementations in Python. The book covers a range of topics...
In "Computer Science MCQs Bank" authored by DP Nagpal, readers are presented with a comprehensive collection of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) covering various topics in computer science. This resource serves as...
"Impractical Python Projects: Playful Programming Activities to Make You Smarter" by Lee Vaughan invites readers into a world where Python programming transcends mere functionality and dives headfirst into the realm...
"JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide 5th Edition" by John Pollock serves as an essential primer for individuals venturing into the world of JavaScript programming. This comprehensive guide caters specifically to beginners,...
"Sams Teach Yourself HTML CSS And JavaScript All in One 3rd Edition" is a comprehensive guide crafted by Julie C. Meloni and Jennifer Kyrnin, offering a holistic approach to mastering...